Bean cutting combine

The popular Pulse Roadshow events held by the Processors and Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) and Syngenta are returning this month with two dates for farmers to choose from.


Themed around ‘Resilience’, experts from the research organisation and the crop protection company will visit York and Peterborough in January, covering technical topics and featuring forward-looking presentations on how the landscape may change for pea and bean growers.


The first meeting will take place on 25 January at The Parsonage Hotel in Escrick, with the team then moving onto the KingsGate Conference Centre in Peterborough the following day.


PGRO presentations will explore variety evaluation, forecasting crop maturity, trap cropping and pest monitoring. Aimee Fowkes from FERA Science will also present her paper on virus surveillance in peas.


Syngenta will update growers on how to maintain approvals for crop protection products in a changing world, and also discuss the Closed Transfer System developments.


Registration and refreshments will begin at 3.30pm, with talks starting at 4pm. The free meeting will end with a pie and pea supper at 6.15pm.


PGRO Chief Executive Roger Vickers is pleased the Roadshow can return in-person for 2023 after Covid-19 disrupted the previous two years.


“There are not a huge number of events such as these, which are tailored to pea and bean growers, offering them the opportunity to learn more about how to physically grow the crop while also hearing about the wider industry surrounding pulse production,” he says.


“Resilience is very much in the spotlight but it means different things to different people. Through the expert speakers we have lined up we hope to be able to demonstrate how applied research and product innovation can contribute to a better future for pulse growers.”


For those unable to attend the event in person there will be a recorded version available, which will be sent to all invitees in early February.


BASIS and NRoSO points will be available at the meeting.


Click here to book a place at the York meeting, and click here to book a place at Peterborough.




Media enquiries

Ben Pike – / 07832 168560

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